
International Drama Group - An English-speaking theatre group in Amsterdam

Get your tickets for The Day They Kidnapped the Pope. This thought-provoking comedy explores achieving World Peace through a captivating story. Its themes are as relevant today as when it was written in the late 1970s. From June 27th till the 30th, we’ll take you on a journey of laughter, excitement and reflection, as our dedicated cast and crew bring this production to life.

Productions and events

We hope to welcome you to one of our next productions! Find out what we have in store below, and see what our friends are up to as well. Make sure to sign-up to our newsletter to stay up-to-date.

Do you know of an English production we should add to our calendar? Please inform us using the form at the bottom of this page.

Productions by our Friends

Do you know of an English production we should add to our calendar? Please inform us, using below form.