FEATS 2017

Frankfurt, Germany

The InPlayers was proud to present on the main stage at the 2017 FEATS Festival as well as the Fringe in Frankfurt, Germany.

On the main stage: Bombshells, by Joanna Murray-Smith, directed by Rachel Gorman. Actresses: Amy Dobbert, Alyssa Wagner and Jacquelyn Poplar. We were presented with two awards on the main stage:

(Blackie Award)

to Amy Dobbert, InPlayers International, Amsterdam. Bombshells, Joanna Murray-Smith

(Don Lunscombe)

"The caffeine moment" in Bombshells

6 vignettes from One Table, Two Chairs by Jacquelyn Poplar and Robert Leeds, directed by Rachel Gorman and Jacquelyn Poplar, were presented at the Fringe. Participating actors and actresses: Frieda Jacobowitz, Nick O’Hear Jacquelyn Poplar, Alyssa Wagner.

Do you have any pictures from FEATS? Please share them with us at contact@inplayers.org