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Play Reading of Truth Hurts and So Does Love

"Truth Hurts and So Does Love" by David Nicholson
(modern prose translation of Le Misanthrope by Molière)

The Truth Hurts and So Does Love is David Nicholson’s 21st century prose translation of Molière’s Le Misanthrope - the French master’s most modern play. A play of character rather than plot, it focuses on Alceste, a man principled to the point of psychological distress, and Célimène, the independent woman he loves - and the men and women who surround them: his realistic friend Philinte, bad poet Oronte, wealthy wastrels Clitandre and Acaste, prude Arsinoé, and Célimène’s sensible cousin Éliante.

A modern reviewer called Le Misanthrope “one of the least conventionally comic in Molière’s canon,”echoing the 17th century critic who declared that it “evokes laughter in the soul [rire dans l'âme].”  In translating Molière’s French verse into English prose, Nicholson deliberately uses a contemporary, though generally non-colloquial, level of language to match that modernity. His new title, Truth Hurts and So Does Love, underlines the fact that there’s more to the play than Alceste.  

David’s work-life has spanned major stints as social worker, taxi driver, underground miner and lawyer. His translations and adaptations range from classic French comic playwrights with wide name recognition - like Molière and Marivaux - to adaptations of late 19th and early 20th century comedies that played to sold-out French theatres in their day.  His plays have been produced in Australia and Costa Rica and won awards in Canada, Ireland, and South Africa. See for more.

20 May

Workshop: Vocal Projection

17 June

Workshop for Young Actors