In this Stage Fighting workshop you will get an introduction to the concepts of stage fighting.
We will cover:
leading and following - synergy between attacker and victim
steps in a stage "attack": positioning - announcement - attack - reaction of victim
victim's reaction: believable moment - breath - paid sound
storytelling in a fight.
Techniques you will learn (depending on the level of the participants):
hair pulling - dragging a person by their hair
face clap
kick in the belly
punch in the nose
jab on the chin
kick in the balls.
Markus Schnizer was in born in Austria in 1968 and studied contemporary dance in Amsterdam. He has worked in different companies with crossovers between dance, mime and youth theater, where he performed different forms of stage fighting. Since 2008 he has been a teacher for the study Film Actor at the Mediacollege Amsterdam (MBO), teaching physical acting and physical-emotional connections. Since 2013 he has taught film-fighting to the first and second year students.
Maximum number of participants: 16